What is Hourly Cleaning Services?

Our clients often request hourly cleaning services when they want us to take care of specific areas of their home or office. It can sometimes be referred to as priority cleaning services

What is Priority Cleaning Services?

Priority cleaning allows you to hire a dedicated house cleaner to take care of specific problem areas in your home.  We ask clients to create a list of the areas of their home that need cleaning service. This list is to be in the order of their importance to them. The cleaner will work their way down the list. – that is why we refer to this service as a priority cleaning.

Who is This Service Best For?

This is a great service for those clients with larger than average homes or offices. It is greate for clients who only want a portion of their home to be professionally cleaned. Hourly cleaning services is great for those clients who want an easier way of  customizing their housecleaning or office service.

Charlotte NC | Spotless | Kitchen Cleaning

Important Information About this                Cleaning Service

  • Our Priority House Cleaning service is available in denominations of 3-hour, 4-hour, or 5-hour cleanings
  • One Housecleaner will report to your home
  • Please have a written list of the tasks you want to have done
  • The list should be in order of the most important to the least important
  • The Housecleaner will work her way down the list
  • The Housecleaner will bring all supplies, however, if you wish them to use your supplies they will
  • Have your vacuum available. Vacuums are not carried into homes to avoid cross contamination
  • The Housecleaner will complete as many items on your list as she can within the time frame you have purchased.


Dont wait another week. Schedule your house cleaning now and take the weight of your dirty home off your shoulders.

Click get started below to get your house cleaned

ARCSI | Spotless Inc